After the upgrade of the registry system, we experienced some error conditions connected to the system on 22 April. It is a type of error which occurs rarely, and it is not critical for the registry system itself, but it means that the EPP channel gives a positiv response instead of a negative reponse because the transaction fails due to an internal error. We have therefore decided to inform all registrars, even if only a few are directly affected.

The course of events has been as follows:

The registry system was upgraded with new versions of the operating system and a new data base engine on 19 April. On 22 April we registered error messages for some of the data base transactions. This was because we had configurated the new data base engine with too little resources, something which was fixed immediately.

After a tip from a registrar we discovered that the problem had a side effect that we did not know about. It turned out that a few EPP commands had not finished correctly, and the registry system had issued a positive EPP response instead of a negative response as it should have done.

After an analysis of the logs we found the EPP commands that had failed. The affected registrars were contacted, and asked to redo the commands.

We thought the problem was solved after we configurated more resources to the database engine, but we discovered a new incident 26 April which means that the problem still can occur.

We have not found the cause of the error, but we are working with troubleshooting. Until the error is found and corrected, we will regularly check if the error occurs again. If it does, we will contact the affected registrar directly and ask that the EPP command is run again.

We apologise for the situation and the inconvenience it involves.

Published: 2 May 2013
Updated: 18 December 2013