Norid will upgrade the registry system on Tuesday 11 June, from 09:00 to 10:00 local time.

During the upgrade, the services may be periodically unavailable, as we have to close access to them in order to introduce the new code in a stable and controlled manner.

The upgrade fixes a rare error situation on the EPP channel, where a positive response could be returned for an EPP transaction instead of a negative. Please see Error in the EPP-response for further description of this error.

Finally some changes are made to the Registrar web. The changes should ensure that the registrars are presented more and better information about status on applicant's declarations. The status is presented in a way which makes it more clear which applicant's declarations that shall still exist on paper, and which of them that have been replaced by an electronic applicant declaration. The following changes are made to show this improved status:

  • Under the 'Daily' tab:

    • The data dump for 'domains' ('Domains currently registered under regX'), is extended with four new columns. Those will give improved status on applicant's declarations to the sponsoring registrar.

      A description of all columns is added to the file header.

      The four colums are added to the right in the file. Any scrips parsing this file should be checked and possibly adjusted.

    • The data dump for 'firstregs', 'First registrations of domains by regX', is extended with one new column 'regid'. Together with the other columns, an improved status for applicant's declarations are presented to the registrar who performed the first registration, and thus should possess the paper declaration.

      A description of all columns is added to the file header.

      The new column is inserted as the second last column in the file. Any scrips parsing this file should be checked and possibly adjusted.

      The column can contain a value in the following two cases:

      • If the original, paper based declaration is sent to Norid, and it has been registered and accepted, the column will identify the registrar who sent his original to Norid. Normally, this should be the registrar who performed the first registration.

      • If an electronic applicant's declaration is sent to Norid over EPP, the column will identify the registrar who performed the corresponding EPP create or update. Normally, this should be the sponsoring registrar, who might be different from the registrar who performed the first registration. It is then possible for the registrar who performed the first registration to see that his paper based declaration has been replaced by an electronic declaration.

    • A new 'saldo' data dump status file is added. It shows the details on how the credit value (saldo) is composed. The credit is the sum of the following single values:
      'deposit + bank guarantee (if any) + bonus adjustment (if any)'

  • Under the 'Summary' tab:

    In the 'Status data' group, two new rows are added:

    • 'Total number of domains':
      Showing the total number of domains which are sponsored by the registrar.

    • 'Number of domains registered before 2013-01-01':
      Showing the total number of domains which are sponsored by the registrar, and registered before 2013-01-01, which is when electronic declarations became mandatory. Also presented is the percent of those domains which are updated with an electronic declaration.

Further information on how this new information is intended used will follow in a separate announcement.
Published: 5 June 2013
Updated: 18 December 2013