The registry system for .no will be unavailable on 2013-09-24 from 20:00 CEST until 22:00 CEST.

The downtime is due to system maintenance, including reboot of all servers.

We will also launch an IP filter solution that will cover the registrar web, EPP servers and eppclient. We recommend that all registrars check that correct IP addresses have been registered on the registrar web. You can find registered IP-addresses under the tab 'Registry Access'. Please also remember to add the addresses for your own EPP systems.

Over the past weeks we have monitored logs and tried to notify the technical contact persons for registrars with connections (to EPP and eppclient) from non-registered IP addresses, and therefore we do not expect many problems from this launch.

Published: 18 September 2013
Updated: 31 January 2014