Norid AS

Abels gt. 5, Teknobyen

Phone +47 73 55 73 55

Below is a list of database objects and attributes. A complete overview of what is required and what is optional is found in the system documentation and in the help section for the EPP client.

More detailed technical information is found in the EPP interface documentation.

Contact, organizationName (organization)
Name (contact person)
Country code
Postal area
E-mail address
Telephone number
Mobile phone number
Contact, personName
Country code
Postal area
E-mail address
Telephone number
Mobile phone number
Contact, roleName
Country code
Postal area
E-mail address
Telephone number
Mobile phone number
Name serverName of name server
IP address
Technical contact
DomainDomain name
Technical contact
Name servers
Transfer code
Data set for personal declaration
Short description of attributes
Name (contact, person)
Person’s full name
Example: Kari Oline Nordmann
Name (contact, organization)
Organization’s full name

Example: Norid AS
Name (contact person, organization)
If the organization is a domain holder, this must be the name of a person.

Example: Ola Nordmann
Name (contact, role)
Role title

Example: Hostmaster
Country code, postcode, postal area (contact, organization, person, role)
Two-letter country codes are defined in ISO 3166.
‘NO’ is a required prefix for Norwegian postcodes.
Postcodes and associated postal areas must correspond to the Norwegian postal service’s address lists.
A domain holder must have a Norwegian postcode.

Example: ‘NO-7465 TRONDHEIM’
E-mail address (contact, organization, person, role)
The contact’s e-mail address.
You may register more than one e-mail address.
Address (contact, organization, person, role)
The contact’s mailing address.
Telephone number, mobile phone number (contact, organization, person, role)
The syntax for telephone numbers is based on ITU E164.
A telephone number begins with a plus sign (+), followed by a country code defined in ITU E164, then a dot (“.”) and finally the actual phone number.
You can add extension numbers by adding an x at the end of the number, see example below.

Example 1, Norwegian standard number: +47.73557900
Example 2, Norwegian standard number with extension number: +47.73557900×123
Example 3, Norwegian abbreviated number: +47.02800
Identifier (contact, organization, person)
The organization number is the identifier for an organization. If you do not provide an organization number, the system will generate a local identifier. Organizations with local identifiers cannot register domain names. A private individual must be registered in the National Population Register and must create a personal ID using our tool. The personal ID is the identifier for the person.

Example (organization): 985821585
Example (person): N.PRI.12345678
Name of name server (name server)
Name of name server (machine).

IP address (name server)
The name server’s IP addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are accepted.
If the name server is under .no, you must provide at least one IPv4 address if the name server responds with a glue record. If not, you can choose whether or not to specify an IP address.
If the name server is under another top-level domain, do not specify an IP address.
Domain name (domain)
The complete domain name.

Holder (domain)
The subscriber’s contact ID. The organization or private individual is registered as the subscriber for a particular domain name using this ID.

Example (organization): TAH22O
Example (private individual): US123P
Registrar (domain)
Contact ID for the registrar managing the domain subscription. Registered automatically when the registrar creates the domain subscription in the registration system.

Example: REG2
Technical contact (domain)
Contact ID for the technical contact (always a role). You may register several technical contacts.

Example: UH12R
Name servers (domain)
Name servers handling the domain name. You must specify at least two name servers by name, not contact ID.

Example: og
Transfer code (domain)
The transfer code (AuthInfo) protects against transfers to a new registrar without the holder’s knowledge. May only be set and changed by the registrar who is technically responsible for the domain name, and is hidden from other registrars. A transfer code is required.

The code must have no less than 8 characters and no more than 64 characters. The characters must be from at least two of the following four character groups:

! # $ % & * + , . \ / : ; < = > – _ ? @

Example: myZecret8fs123
Data set for applicant declaration (domain)
The data set must include the required values from the applicant declaration.
version: 3.1
date : 2020-02-22T12:51:09Z
name : Kari Nordmann
DNSSEC data (domain)
This is a data set that must include the values from at least one DS record. In addition, associated key data may also be submitted, but this is optional.

Example of required DS data:

keytag : 24379
algorithm : 5
digest_type: 1
digest : 43b670827d979202c297ec6e958c9653d8f14328

Key data is optional. If submitted, the key will be validated against the associated DS record.

Example of key data:

flags : 257
protocol: 3
alg : 5
pubKey : AwEAAfENT8LjD8ZdyVk59UhpzQqVyfIUwkGPImZr6lriB23GJw+S9taerp9/EMfONfnT+IVRW89BuUw16M/TWBkQBv0=
Published: 23 April 2020
Updated: 29 April 2021