The lottery for the domain names, and the domain names «ans» and «da» under the geograpical domains and category domains administered by Norid is now finished and the result is ready.

As expected, most of the applications were for and, but we also received some applications for the other domain names in the lottery.

We received a total of 471 applications and after deleting duplicates we were left with 456 applications in the lottery. These applications were distributed as follows:

  • 228 applications for
  • 157 applications for
  • 71 applications under under the geograpical domains and category domains administered by Norid

We received applications from 144 private individuals and 312 organizations.

We received some applications with errors, but these were mostly fixed and new applications submitted before the deadline.

The lottery resulted in 14 registered domain subscriptions, and a total of 20 registrars participated by submitting applications.

The domain lookup gives information about .no domain name subscribers.

Published: 12 June 2024